Tarried Away

Tarried Away 3 minutes, 3 hours, 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, 3 decades, 3 cities, 3 men, 3 friends, 3 lives… There is a constant theme of trifecta in my life that sways between the desires of want versus need and remains a source for the establishment of a battleground for myContinue reading “Tarried Away”

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Self = Portraits…part six

Initially I wanted to make these films to satirize the amorphous landscape in which I was residing at the time, right before I made the sojourn to Europe. I thought that when I returned to the USA I would finish this project with a final destination piece but it seems as thought the journey willContinue reading “Self = Portraits…part six”

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Why Berlin.

If you come to and stay in Berlin for more than two minutes you will be blitzkrieg’d with the question “Why Berlin?” almost daily. To combat this I usually tout the adage “The same reason as everyone else,” that couldn’t be any closer to the truth – but I’ve complied a list of responses I’veContinue reading “Why Berlin.”

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Process: Choreography

There is a certain connection to choreography that does not always come naturally to dancers. If you look at it in the same way as the culinary arts – a baker is a great pastry chef but may not be very good at cooking a steak to medium rare, as a chef cannot make aContinue reading “Process: Choreography”

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Poetry: His Tory

iPhone Poetry: 16 June 2013 Death or Liberty unpoliticaly Please don’t shoot until you see the red in my eyes I take a stand for justice The blues emancipate my cries Scoring for so many years Happiness is in pursuit of me Equal men die to create Botched by foreign tranquility I wait for theContinue reading “Poetry: His Tory”

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Prose: Homesick

I am no stranger to strangers and the constant finding of and the leaving of things before and behind me. I would require many more fingers and hands and heads and hearts with which to count the beds, the carpets, the wood plank floors, the ceilings, the attics, the basements, the couches, the convertible sofas,Continue reading “Prose: Homesick”

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Prose: Schmerz – Part 3

“Do I have any pain?” It was a rhetorical question I couldn’t ever really ask myself and it was posed to the young and beautiful, calming and stern blond German woman who had for the first time in all of our varying degrees of conversation pulled out her smartphone and began typing meticulously looking forContinue reading “Prose: Schmerz – Part 3”

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Prose: Schmerz – Part 2

Germans do not acknowledge Schmerz. While there is some facility in doling out and absorbing Schmerz throughout the indelible history of their time, despite their affinity for control – they have not yet mastered an auspicious way to conquer this unavoidable consequence. This is a clear case of culture clash, coincidence and contradiction. While pharmaceuticalsContinue reading “Prose: Schmerz – Part 2”

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Note: December 15, 2010

Here is an iPhone note from 2 weeks before I was leaving Berlin to return to the states after staying in Germany for 3 months to test the water and stake my claim. December 15, 2010 – 5:39pm “Going for the Gold” Shiny round beacons. Always loved silver. Ball and chain. Add water instant boyfriend.Continue reading “Note: December 15, 2010”

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